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Giving back and helping others has always been very important. Here are some (but not all) of the organizations I support throughout the year. Please take a moment to check out their sites!


Their mission is to end the silent suffering of our nation’s First Responders by providing Peer Support and funding for treatment, recovery and psychological services.

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A volunteering program that spreads joy, care and love to institutionalized children, elderly living in shelters and families living in poverty.


Visit on Instagram: 

Our Big Day Out and

Our Big Day Out Fundraiser


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Their mission is to rescue, shelter, rehabilitate and find a forever home for every animal that finds its way to us. Founded in 2008, Tranquility Trail Animal Sanctuary is a non-profit, 501(c)3 organization dedicated to the compassionate care of companion animals.  Please feel free to stop by and visit our sanctuary and meet our wonderful residents.


Above are my two sponsor buns, Sebastian and Shelby. Over the years I have sponsored quite a few bunnies and have contributed to their Facebook auction. 

NDorrien Designs Supports: News
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